Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 13 - 14 of 14 in total

Sake Sushi & Grill Basket

Sake Sushi & Grill

This is a fabulous gift basket from Sake Sushi & Grill in Placentia. Included is a 50.00 gift card, a bottle of Ozeki Sake and an adorable Sake decanter, cups and tray. Enjoy!!

This is a fabulous gift basket from Sake Sushi & Grill in Placentia. Included is a 50.00 gift card, a bottle of Ozeki Sake and an adorable Sake decanter, cups and tray. Enjoy!!

This is a fabulous gift basket from Sake Sushi & Grill in Placentia. Included is a 50.00 gift card, a bottle of Ozeki Sake and an adorable Sake decanter, cups and tray. Enjoy!!

Twisted Vine and Wine

Anne O'Hara

$25 gift cert to Twisted Vine and Bottle of Wine

$25 gift cert to Twisted Vine and Bottle of Wine

$25 gift cert to Twisted Vine and Bottle of Wine